Este abril y mayo, el grupo de folk rock mongol The Hu se embarcará en una gira como cabeza de cartel por América del Norte. Apodado 'Black Thunder North American Tour' , abarca 34 espectáculos en total. Todos enumerados a continuación.
Fechas de la gira en el siguiente orden:
April 15 - Indio, CA - Coachella
April 16 - San Diego, CA - Humphreys by the Bay
April 17 - Las Vegas, NV - Brooklyn Bowl
April 19 - Tucson, AZ - Rialto Theatre
April 21 - Phoenix, AZ - The Van Buren
April 22 - Indio, CA - Coachella
April 23 - Monterey, CA - Golden State Theatre
April 25 - Portland, OR - Roseland Theater
April 26 - Bend, OR - Midtown Ballroom
April 28 - Spokane, WA - Knitting Factory
April 29 - Missoula, MT - The Wilma
April 30 - Bozeman, MT - The ELM
May 02 - Fargo, ND - Sanctuary Events Center
May 03 - Lincoln, NE - Bourbon Theatre
May 04 - Kansas City, MO - The Truman
May 06 - Detroit, MI - St. Andrews Hall
May 07 - Bloomington, IL - Castle Theatre
May 08 - Columbus, OH - Newport Music Hall
May 09 - Nashville, TN - Cannery Ballroom
May 11 - Louisville, KY - Mercury Ballroom
May 13 - Portland, ME - State Theatre
May 14 - Albany, NY - Empire Live
May 16 - Washington, DC - Warner Theatre
May 17 - Norfolk, VA - The NorVa
May 19 - Charlotte, NC - The Fillmore
May 20 - Raleigh, NC - The Ritz
May 21 - Charleston, SC - Music Farm
May 22 - Daytona Beach, FL - Welcome to Rockville
May 25 - Birmingham, AL - Iron City
May 26 - Little Rock, AR - Little Rock Music Hall
May 27 - Oklahoma City, OK - Tower Theatre
May 28 - The Woodlands, TX - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion (Buzzfest)
May 29 - Dallas, TX - Dos Equis Pavilion (BFD 22)
May 31 - Mexico City, MEX - Lunario